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  4. Using images in tests

Using images in tests

This article answers the following questions:

  • How to add or upload images to quizzerweb tests?
  • How to attach an image to a question or answer?
  • How to delete an image?

The Quiz image manager can be used to upload, and manage images for attachment to your test questions and quiz start page. Visit the Quiz image manager here

To upload an image

  1. Locate the upload button
    • From the Quiz Image manager/Media page, Click on Upload Images button.
    • From New question or Edit question page, select on the Add an Image button attached to the intended question, option or explanation field. Then click on Set/Change image button.

2. An upload or choose image modal will pop up similar to this.

  1. Click Browse to select your images.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. The new images will now appear in your quiz image gallery and ready.

Attaching an image to a question

To add or attach an image to your question, options or explanation/feedback,

  1. From New question or Edit question page, select on the Add an Image button attached to the intended question, option or explanation field. Then click on Set/Change image button.
  1. An upload or choose image modal will pop up.
  2. Upload your image, if you have not.
  3. Select the Choose Image tab
  4. Click on any image to select it. or Select remove image if you need to detach an image from the field.
  5. Click set to complete the selection.
  6. Save the question.

To delete an Image

If you just need to detach or remove an image from a question,option or other fields, check step 5 above.

To permanently delete an image,

  1. Go to the Quiz Image manager
  2. Select the checkbox next to the images you want to delete.
  1. Click Delete Selected.
  2. You are done.

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