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Installing QUIZZERWEB as WebApp

What browsers support installation?

Installation is supported by Chrome for Android and Android WebView version 31 and later, Opera for Android 32 onward, Samsung Internet from version 4 onward, Firefox for Android version 58 and later, and Safari on iOS.

Why install QUIZZERWEB on your device

  • Browse faster and improved experience in poor network conditions
  • Access some quizzerweb pages offline.

All the pages that you view while online will be saved for offline usage.

Note: these pages will not be available for offline usage because they require internet connection to provide the best experience.

How to Install QUIZZERWEB

Method 1:

  1. Click on the install QUIZZERWEB button here at the footer section.
  2. Click add when you see the Add to Home screen dialog box.
  3. Wait for a minute, check your app-list and home screen for QUIZZERWEB.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to install.
  5. Enjoy the mobile app like experience.

Method 2:

You can also click on add to home screen from your browser options menu.

If you need more guidance, QUIZZERWEB is a Progressive Web App which means that most guide online about installation of PWAs for most browsers will be of help.

Here is a complete guide for chrome https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/9658361?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en&oco=0

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